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Parenting is a stewardship responsibility assigned to parents by God. Parenting is a profession. Parents ought to be equipped to carry out their responsibilities with diligence. Parenting requires a significant investment of time, effort, energy, money and other resources. Parenting is not an event. Parenting is not an act. Parenting is a journey. Parenting demands and requires diligence, focus, dedication, intentionality and being deliberate. The future of children is influenced by parenting – right or wrong. Parents will be held accountable by God. Parents therefore ought to unlearn, learn and relearn about parenting in this digitised and social media driven era. This book will equip you as a parent or grandparent on some of the essentials to parenting. Every child will also learn from this book. Read this book as a family and be prepared to transition to the next level together as a family unit and leave behind a lasting legacy.