Pursue Your Purpose

by Erick Drielinger

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Nobody is born by accident. Every person is uniquely created by God with a specific purpose. Yet there are many people wandering around, living a purposeless life here on earth.

This book is a power pack tool that will help people to understand their purpose, the responsibility of it, and how to walk in it. It will give them handy and practical tips on how to grow and develop their unique gifts. It will provide many answers to those who love God wholeheartedly, yet wonder why they endure trials and tribulations. It will enlighten the path of those who are not sure whether they are called or not, and if they really have what it takes to fulfil their God-given dreams and goals.

May you find encouragement and strength, inspiration and revelation, light and guidance, through the reading of this book. May The Holy Spirit cause you to succeed, conquer and possess, as you pursue your God-given purpose, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!