How To Achieve A Happy & Successful Marriage
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You cannot afford not to have your own copy of this book. Surely you don’t need anyone to tell you why, because the incredible benefits of the book say it all. The scope of benefits covers both married couples and youth. The benefits of the book…
- It exposes the reader to the things that make marriage sick and subsequently bring it to the point of death.
- It equips the reader with medicinal remedies to heal a dying marriage.
- It provides a road map to take you from the dead end of your marital relationship back to romantic love.
- It provides the reader with the means to make every day a honeymoon day.
- It provides the reader with the means to get the most out of your spouse.
- It provides the reader with the tools to turn your spouse from being a roommate to being a romantic partner.
- It turns marriage from being the worst nightmare of your life to being the most wonderful experience of your life.
- It turns your bedroom into a place of romance and sexual fulfilment.
- It restores the dignity of marriage as an institution.
- It makes marriage an institution of success, rather than failure and divorce.
- It exposes the reader to the things to avoid in order to marry for the right reasons.
- It exposes the reader to the things you will need to ensure you get married to a suitable partner.