A Spiritual Guide To A Drug Free Life
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Drugs are ruining many lives in our communities. Family and friends are largely helpless. A spiritual guide to a drug free life will assist an addict to reach out to God and requires family and friends to do their part in steering the drug addict to a drug free life. Think about a house on fire. We come together and fill buckets of water to try and contain the fire. When the fire trucks come, they also assist to quench the fire. Now picture a drug addict being that house that is on fire. In most cases family and friends stand by not knowing what to do whilst the drug addict dies in front of their eyes. When no one makes an effort to contain a fire, the house eventually burns down. Let us fight drug addiction together. While family and friends are trying initially to contain the fire, let the rest of the world join in as the fire trucks to finish the task. Let us combat drug addiction with the power of God.
He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8)