It’s Not Over Until You Win
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It is not over until you win; you can recover from the fall. This book is a motivational masterpiece designed to inspire, challenge, and empower you to rise above life’s setbacks and claim your rightful place at the table of greatness. It will provoke you to awaken the strength within and remind you that there is far more to you than what you’ve been through. Your story isn’t over as long as there’s breath in you. If you feel like you’re at a dead end, this book will show you that it’s only a bend in the road. You are worth it. Get back on the battlefield of life and fight for your destiny. It is written with four types of people in mind:
Firstly, good people who made bad decisions. Bad decisions don’t make you a bad person unless you fail to learn from them. There is no hope for anyone who can’t learn from their mistakes.
Secondly, for those who failed, failure is not final. Learn from it and be better. Failure defeats losers, but it inspires winners. The defeats of the moment are often part of the fabric of your future success. A setback can become a setup for a comeback.
Thirdly, those who have given up. Giving up is the ultimate tragedy. Others may give up, but not you. The greatest success principle ever preached is: NEVER GIVE UP. A man is not defeated when he is down; he is defeated when he gives up. You are at your very best when you don’t give up on yourself. You are strongest when you choose to keep believing and striving, even in the face of adversity.
Finally, this book is put together for those who are discouraged. Discouragement slays more human beings than all illnesses combined. Overcomers never see their problems as permanent. Refuse to be discouraged by temporary setbacks. No matter how long the night, daybreak is inevitable.
This book is your guide to turning pain into purpose, setbacks into comebacks, and despair into hope. Remember, it’s not over until you win.