Growing Up Without A Father
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Charley gives us practical steps on how we can address the fatherlessness epidemic. He uses his personal life experiences to inspire, empower and equip the readers. Even if you are an involved dad, you need to realise that until we are successful, your children and grandchildren will be growing up in a culture of absent fathers and unfathered children. They will be affected. – Dr David Molapo, Chairperson of the South African National Centre for Fathering.
Charley’s passion shines through every word. It’s difficult not to be moved by his infectious optimism for what is possible by choosing life and trusting God. At a time when fatherlessness and gender-based violence threaten the very fabric of South African society, we need more men like Charley. Men who boldly proclaim the truth about what masculinity is and demonstrate how we can break the cycle of fatherlessness to build a great nation. – Craig Wilkinson, Author of DAD.